The complex web of digital collectives

Only yesterday, the concept of online communities would have made sceptics smile, unconvinced by the solidity of the links forged back in the days of forums and IRC channels (remember ICQ or MSN Messenger?).
Social networking has come a long way since then, and nowadays nobody really distinguishes between the links forged on the Web and those forged by ‘IRL’. But are they the same thing? What are the specific characteristics of these collectives and those of our immaterial doubles that they constitute? Answers from Bernadett Koles, a professor at IÉSEG and a specialist in online communities.
Virtual worlds, social media, online games… After years spent exploring the intricacies of digital communities, Bernadett Koles has more recently turned her attention to the groups that form around certain content creators: bloggers, Youtubers, streamers, Instagram figures and so on. Why do these web figures attract so much attention?
«Film stars, football players, music groups and other celebriities have always been able to attract fans, but the emergence of social media has enabled them to extend their presence to online spaces», explains Bernadett Koles.
Read the full interview in the latest edition of Change Magazine:
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September 2024: Please note that Bernadett Koles no longer works at IESEG. This article was published during her time at the School