Discover Sonia LEVILLAIN’s new book : “The little toolbox of remote management” (by Editions Dunod)


Remote management is not new, but its large-scale deployment forced by the health crisis has thrown many unprepared managers into the deep end.
How to position oneself, neither too close nor too far from one’s team? How to structure the work, ensure efficiency, cohesion, performance; without sacrificing meaning, fulfillment, training, long-term vision? Faced with these multiple challenges, this small toolbox provides the keys to understanding and acting on them for managers faced with distance, whether structural or partial.
This book, in French by Sonia LEVILLAIN, published by Editions DUNOD, will allow managers to understand what type of remote management practice they are in. By carrying out a diagnosis of the organization, of their managerial practice and of their team, they will be able to evaluate the supports and the obstacles to success, and to set up an effective and fulfilling management.
More information about the book (in French only) on the Editions DUNOD website.
About the author
Sonia LEVILLAIN teaches agile, pedagogical and ethical management at IÉSEG School of Management. She advises and trains organizations on their managerial practices to help them develop (both at the individual and team level) and to generate sustainable performance for all their stakeholders.