Webinar: Understanding neurodiversity



Temps de lecture

1 min


On the March 28th, IÉSEG will host an online event for companies on the topic of understanding neurodiversity.

The issue of neurodivergence is becoming increasingly important. Studies show that a high level of neurodiversity within a team tends to accelerate innovation and creativity, can strengthen team cohesion and even increase productivity, but only if it is understood. The aim of this conference is to introduce participants to the world of neurodivergence: what is neurodivergence? what are the main traits? how to adapt?

The event will be hosted by Jérémie BERTRAND, professor and Deputy Director of the School’s Grand Ecole program.

To register, please visit the event website: https://www.ieseg.fr/en/events/conference-understanding-neurodivergence/

Category (ies)

CSR, Sustainability & DiversityManagement & Society


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