Investing your personal savings to finance a sustainable world



Temps de lecture

25 min


The way we decide to save or invest our money (savings) can have a huge impact on our individual carbon footprint.  In the latest edition of Changemaker Stories, Professor Dilyara SALAKHOVA speaks about the crucial intersection of personal finance and climate change and environmental sustainability.

A professor of green finance, she unravels how our everyday savings and investment choices can contribute to or combat climate change.

She also discusses the transformative potential of green banking and ethical investments and discusses some of the practical issues, actions and questions we can consider with regards our personal savings.

Listen to the full podcast here:


This podcast by IÉSEG & IÉSEG Network, presents a series of encounters with experts, professionals, entrepreneurs, researchers and more, who are each leading their own small or large revolutions in order to improve the world of today and tomorrow.  It is available twice a month. You can discover more episodes here :

Dilyara Salakhova is an expert and author of multiple publications on sustainable finance. She has a Ph.D. in finance and has been working in central banks (Banque de France, European Central Bank) on questions related to financial stability since 2011.

Category (ies)

CSR, Sustainability & DiversityEconomics & Finance
