Domain: International Supply Chain Management & Logistics

Position Senior Professor of Practice and Course Coordinator

Following her degree in Economics and Business Administration from St. Gallen University, Switzerland, Verena Ehrler worked for over 15 years as a manager for strategic business development in supply chain management (SCM) and logistics in the transport industry in Switzerland and the UK. In 2011, she defended her doctoral thesis on the digitalisation of freight documentation (e-freight) and started working in research and academia. In her research, Verena focuses on the improvement of sustainability and efficiency of SCM and the impact of digitalisation on the transport system. Jointly with industry partners she has conceived and coordinated national and international projects on freight transport optimisation, ranging from innovative solutions for last-mile deliveries to emission calculation of international freight transport chains. 

Verena was convenor of ISO 14083 “Greenhouse gases – Quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions arising from transport chain operations”. She was coordinating author for the “How-to-Guide” for zero emission freight in urban areas of the Transport Decarbonisation Alliance (TDA) and of the Global Logistics Emission Council GLEC Framework 3.0. In 2018, she was awarded the Transport Research Arena (TRA) Senior Researcher Cross-Modality Award.

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