IÉSEG Insights » Experts » Valon Murtezaj

Domain: International Negotiation
Senior Professor of Practice
Dr. Valon Murtezaj, is a Professor at IÉSEG School of Management. During his long academic career, his teaching has focused on topics such as international negotiation and diplomacy, conflict management and leadership and he has presented at conferences and research seminars in Europe and USA. He has also acquired extensive professional experience working in different capacities with international organizations such as UNICEF, Médecins Sans Frontières, Save the Children, UNDP and other international projects, including senior leadership positions in Government of Kosovo.
Research interests and expertise
conflict managementdiplomacyinternational negotiationinternational relationsLast contributions

Management & Society
How to manage conflict constructively
22 min

Management & Society
War in Ukraine: has the time for EU enlargement arrived?
4 min

Management & Society
What’s next for the Western Balkans?
5 min