IÉSEG Insights » Experts » Susana Esper

ESPER Susana
Domain: Management and Society
Assistant Professor
Susana Esper is a Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics at IÉSEG School of Management. She earned her Ph.D. in Management from HEC Montréal (Canada). She studies the gap between companies’ environmental “promises” and their concrete, operational practices. For example, she investigates how businesses operating in polluting industries face and cope with accusations of greenwashing from governments, citizens, and social movements. She also analyzes the role of managers in the implementation of sustainability strategies, and how managers are emotionally affected when they perceive that their companies do not practice what they preach.
Research interests and expertise
business and societygreenwashingmanagementsustainability strategysustainable developmentLast contributions

Management & Society
How can companies engage with stakeholders during political conflicts?
2 min

CSR, Sustainability & Diversity
The impact of greenwashing on sustainability managers
2 min