Patrick DAGUET

DAGUET Patrick

Domain: Finance

Position Senior Professor of Practice & Academic Director

Patrick Daguet has been teaching finance at IÉSEG since 2013. He is active in the Grand Ecole Program of the School at the Bachelor and Master-cycle levels, and is Academic Director of an Executive program dedicated to Financial Management. He also intervenes regularly in the Postgraduate Program (in Finance) where he teaches advanced modeling and VBA language. He has designed and currently operates 5 online games for learning centered around his areas of expertise: structured finance (CDO games, securitization) and project/infrastructure finance, a sector where he spent 15 years of his 40+ years’ experience in the finance industry. Today, he shares his professional life between teaching, coaching professionals to prepare finance designations (CFA, CAIA, FRM) and consulting in infrastructure/structured finance through an LLC he founded in 2010.

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