IÉSEG Insights » Experts » Oskar KOWALEWSKI

Domain: Finance
Full Professor
Oskar Kowalewski is a Professor of Finance at IÉSEG and member of LEM-CNRS 9221. He has an international background having worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Wharton Financial Institutions Center at the University of Pennsylvania and as a DAAD Professor at the European University Viadrina. He serves as a researcher at the Institute of Economics, Polish Academy of Science. His research focuses on financial system development, banking, corporate finance, and corporate governance. He has been awarded numerous research grants from both public and private agencies. Oskar Kowalewski has also held positions in both the public and private sectors, including roles as Chief Financial Officer, Chairman, and Member of the Supervisory Board. He has served as a consultant to international financial institutions and governments in Central and Eastern Europe/East Asia.