Change- “Education: where does digital technology sit?” by Bernadett Koles

By forcing institutions to give priority to distance learning, the pandemic has reinforced a strong trend that sees digital technology taking an ever-greater place in teaching. But what are the advantages and limitations? Bernadett Koles, Director of the Bachelor in International Business Program at IÉSEG, explains.
Digital technology has gradually been introduced into classrooms in recent years. With what impact?
Having more pedagogical options is both an asset and an invitation to rethink the way we teach and learn. When used properly, digital tools offer more autonomy to our students and contribute to their learning journey. The challenge is to select the right solutions for each subject and audience, while helping students navigate this vast array of resources responsibly.
In class, students have real-time access to sources other than teachers’ words. Does this change teachers’ posture?
The days when textbooks and teachers were the main source of knowledge are over, but this change is welcome. On the teacher’s side, it is important to recognize that no one can know everything and that there is nothing wrong with saying “I’ll check it out”. On the student side, taking more responsibility can be valuable. Looking for examples or experiences to share makes them more active and provides more interesting exchanges for everyone. Finally, it prepares them to meet the expectations of a job market that wants to recruit critical and agile thinkers who can evaluate different options and challenge the status quo. What better place to develop skills than in the classroom?
Read the full article in the latest issue of our magazine for professionals “Change – A new way of talking business“
September 2024: Please note that Bernadett Koles no longer works at IESEG. This article was published during her time at the School.