Developing a standardized measure for calculating transport emissions



Temps de lecture

3 min


In this video, Verena EHRLER (Senior Professor of Practice) speaks about her work on the on the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions for transport.

According to this expert, international freight transport is expected to more than double by 2050. To minimize greenhouse gas emissions from transport, she explains that it is important to “measure what we are doing”. “What’s more, you can only really compare emissions for different transport approaches if you have a standardized or normed measure that stakeholders can use.”

She explains how she has been involved in a project to develop such a measure, in the form of a standardized norm, ISO 14083.

Verena Ehrler

Following her degree in Economics and Business Administration from St. Gallen University, Switzerland, Verena Ehrler worked for over 15 years as a manager for strategic business development in supply chain management (SCM) and logistics in the transport industry in Switzerland and the UK. In 2011, she defended her doctoral thesis on the digitalisation of freight documentation (e-freight) and started working in research and academia. In her research, Verena focuses on the improvement of sustainability and efficiency of SCM and the impact of digitalisation on the transport system. Jointly with industry partners she has conceived and coordinated national and international projects on freight transport optimisation, ranging from innovative solutions for last-mile deliveries to emission calculation of international freight transport chains. 

Category (ies)

CSR, Sustainability & DiversityOperations
