Change – « Trust and Management: a matter of balance »

With teleworking and the pandemic, the question of trust has never been more important than in recent months, with managers often finding themselves at a distance from their teams. But how do you build a relationship that cannot be regulated? The view of Felipe Guzman, research professor in organisational behaviour at IÉSEG.
Control and trust are often contrasted in the professional World. Are managers too distrustful of their teams?
The problem of trust in business is as old as business itself. In 1916, when the French engineer Henry Fayol published his seminal work Administration Industrielle et Générale, he was already pointing out the importance of ensuring that work is done well, while noting the potential dangers of excessive control. Excessive control of employees creates problems, too little control also creates problems – but different problems. So the issue of trust is a real one, not necessarily contemporary, and I’m not sure that the need to control is greater today than it was a hundred years ago, even if technology has changed.
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