Reverse mentoring programs: what are they, and how to implement them?
Reverse mentoring refers to the pratice where companies pair younger employees with more senior employees so they can mentor and exchange knowledge and experiences on a wide range of topics (e.g technology, careers etc). This technique has become more popular in recent years, as companies look for ways to bridge generational divides, enhance communication and understanding or even corporate culture.
In this video (which is in French but with English subtitles), Bernard COULATY, (Principal Professor of Practice) and Arthur LEPONT (a Master student at IÉSEG and who is responsible for the development of expertise at the Junior Enterprise – IÉSEG Conseil Paris) discuss the advantages of reverse mentoring, why companies should consider using this technique, and how they can ensure reverse mentoring is implemented effectively.
Benefits and effective implementation
Bernard COULATY, who is also Academic Director of one the Executive Programs at IESEG and former HR Director for multinational companies, explains the different ways reverse mentioring can beneficial to both parties – younger and older employees – and for the company. He also discusses some of the key points that companies should consider before putting some programs in place – for example in terms of company strategy, selecting the mentors and mentees, and the expected benefits.
Experiences with reverse mentoring
Arthur LEPONT shares his experience of participating in a reverse mentoring initiative – organised in the framework of one of IÉSEG’s Programs – and how the Junior Enterprise (IÉSEG Conseil Paris) is active in this area.