Managing differences

While not everything is perfect when it comes to diversity, workgroups are becoming increasingly international and heterogeneous. To get the best out of them, there are two major opposing views, explains Jorge Jacob, Professor of Marketing at IÉSEG.
Diversity is on the increase within the company. How can we make the most of this plurality?
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to harnessing the diversity of a team within a company, as the use of this plurality is influenced by ideologies and belief systems which guide the way in which individuals perceive and approach cultural and ethnic groups in a given context. Two main approaches can be distinguished which value diversity in different ways: a ‘colour-blind’* vision which minimises differences and emphasises commonalities, and a multicultural vision which favours a mosaic of cultures. Each company can adopt the path that corresponds to its values, its organisational culture, the nature of its workforce, the sector in which it operates…
Read the full interview in the last edition of Change Magazine:
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