Management: 3 pitfalls to avoid in a multigenerational workplace
Style of management, dismantling stereotypes and managing disagreements : via a series of three questions, Bernard COULATY (Professor of Practice at IÉSEG and former HR Director) examines some of the pitfalls and challenges that managers and organizations may face in a multigenerational context, as well as the possible solutions.
Watch the Video (which is in French with English subtitles):
The importance of not pitting generations against each other
In the first question, he looks at the question of managing conflicts and disagreements – which he highlights are part of life – between employees of different generations. He stresses the importance of not pitting different generations against each other and building intergenerational bridges via for example common projects, job sharing or reverse mentoring with the aim of working on commonalities (rather than differences between generations).
Management style and the importance of giving meaning
The second question looks at the style of management for a multigenerational team. He notes that a good manager is someone who adapts to the situation (and to the performance and engagement of different generations). A manager can be participative or directive in their style, he notes, but it is important to give meaning to different members of the team and have a style that is inclusive for the whole team.
Differentiate but unify..
The final question looks at the question of dismantling stereotypes such as “young people are less engaged, or older people resist change.” He explains that committed young people also need meaning, while older employees have often experienced much change during their longer careers, so can adapt well. He stresses the need to differentiate but also unify by again building bridges and projects that bring members of different generations together.