IÉSEG Insights » Experts » Oveis MADADIAN

Domain: Accounting
Associate Professor
Oveis Madadian is a professor in the Accounting department of IÉSEG School of Management. His research interests are related to capital markets including financial reporting & disclosure and its implications for investors and security analysts, narrative disclosures research, earnings management, peer-based performance benchmarking/comparison and its implications for corporate disclosures, and IFRS 9. He obtained his Ph.D. in 2016 from Antwerp University (Belgium), based on the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) full doctoral scholarship. He has published in international academic and practice-oriented journals/media, such as Abacus, Accounting and Business research, Applied Economics, Australian Economic Papers, and the Conversation. He has multiple working papers under review in international journals and teaches multiple financial accounting courses in different programs.