IÉSEG Insights » Experts » Frank Goethals

Domain: Management of Information systems
Full Professor
Frank Goethals holds a Ph.D. in Applied Economics from K.U.Leuven in Belgium. He is a Professor in Information Systems at IÉSEG School of Management and Visiting Professor at several institutions, including K.U.Leuven. He has won Best Teacher awards at several schools. His research concerns technology acceptance and resistance; and threats created and mitigated by information systems. Frank has published in numerous journals including Decision Support Systems, European Journal of Operational Research, IEEE Software and Database for Advances in Information Systems. He has served as Head of the Information Systems track and as Head of the Management Department at IÉSEG and regularly gives keynotes concerning digital innovation in companies.
Research interests and expertise
adoption of technologyemerging technologiesinformation technologyresistance to technologytechnologythreats & technologyLast contributions

IT, Technology & Industry
Green IT: the importance of educating consumers on their environmental footprint
3 min

IT, Technology & Industry
Workplace automation: why some employees aren’t more afraid of losing their jobs…
2 min