IÉSEG Insights » Experts » Felipe Guzman

Domain: Leadership and Organizational Behavior
Associate Professor
Felipe Guzman is an expert and author of numerous publications on leader-subordinate relationships, proactive work behavior, and cross-cultural research. He has a Ph.D. in Management from IESE Business School and is the Academic Director of IESEG’s research center dedicated to leadership. In his work, Felipe seeks to understand how employees, through their actions and behavior, can have a positive impact on themselves, other employees, and the organization as a whole.
Research interests and expertise
creativitycultural valuesinfluenceinnovationleadershipmulti-cultural team managementproactivitytrustLast contributions

Management & Society
Language fluency: advantages and challenges for multinational teams
5 min

Management & Society
What challenges and opportunities lie ahead for leaders and leadership training in 2024?
4 min

Management & Society
Change – « Trust and Management: a matter of balance »
2 min

Management & Society
Clashing work roles may actually lead to creativity
4 min