IÉSEG Insights » Experts » Elke Cabooter

Domain: Marketing
Associate Professor
Elke Cabooter (Ph.D.) is an Associate Professor of Marketing in the Marketing and Sales department at IÉSEG School of Management. She teaches several marketing related courses including ‘Advanced Pricing’, ‘Experimental Designs’, ‘Marketing strategy’ and ‘Market research’ in which students are taught both theory and practice. Before her Ph.D. thesis, she worked for almost three years at a large market research company. Her research interests are in survey design methodology, with a focus on biases caused by response styles, problems with the comprehension and understanding of questions, and consumer psychology including topics such as the role of social identity, influencer marketing and cognitive load. Her work has been published in international peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Consumer Psychology, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Business Research and Quality & Quantity.