IÉSEG Insights » Experts » Deva Rangarajan
Domain: Marketing
Full Professor & Academic Director
Deva Rangarajan has a Ph.D. in Marketing and Sales and he has taught for business schools in Europe, the US, South Africa and India. He has trained executives of over 30 companies on topics related to business-to-business marketing and sales. His research has featured in leading journals such as the Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Service Research, California Management Review. Deva is also the Academic Director of a Master program at IÉSEG School of Management dedicated to International Business Negotiation.
Research interests and expertise
B2B marketingcustomer relationship managementcustomer success managementsales force effectivenessLast contributions
Marketing & Sales
Digital transformation: how sales managers can be champions of change
5 min
Marketing & Sales
AI & Sales: greater efficiency, but what about the human touch?
4 min
Marketing & Sales
How salespeople can leverage social media to boost sales performance
4 min
Marketing & Sales
Business-to-business selling in the post Covid-19 era
2 min