IÉSEG Insights » Experts » Christof Beuselinck

Domain: Accounting
Full Professor
Christof Beuselinck is a Professor of Accounting and Head of the Accounting Department at IÉSEG School of Management. He also previously headed the School’s Master in International Accounting Audit and Control (Paris campus) program. Christof has taught Bachelor, Master MBA, and Ph.D. courses in the areas of international accounting, financial reporting and financial statement analysis in various international schools.
He served as faculty member of INTACCT (2007-2010), a European Commission sponsored program on the economic consequences and harmonization effects of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for European firms. Christof has published in top-ranked peer-reviewed journals including The Accounting Review, Review of Accounting Studies, and the Journal of Corporate Finance. He serves as an associate editor for Accounting & Business Research and is an editorial board member of several international academic journals. Since 2021, Christof also serves as the Treasurer of the European Accounting Association.