FILIP Andrei

Domain: Accounting

Position Full Professor

Andrei Filip is Professor of financial reporting at IÉSEG School of Management. Before joining IÉSEG, he has been teaching financial accounting in Romania (ASE Bucharest), Switzerland (HEC Genève), Canada (HEC Montréal) and France (ESSEC Business School).

Holding a Ph.D. in international accounting from the University of Geneva, Andrei’s main research interests are institutional settings and financial reporting quality. He is recognized as an expert in international accounting and has worked on several projects with the international (IASB – International Accounting Standards Board) and French (ANC – Autorité des normes comptables) accounting standard setters. Andrei is regularly invited as a panel speaker for conferences (AAA-IAS, EAA, EUFIN, AMIS etc.). Andrei is currently editor in chief of Accounting in Europe, a journal of the European Accounting Association.

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