Liberated companies: the challenge of a climate of trust

Hierarchies that are too rigid, supervision that is too strict, top down approaches… For employees, working with confidence is not always a matter of course – hence the idea of liberating companies in order to encourage initiative-taking. “A liberated company manages to challenge traditional hierarchical practices,” explains Catherine Archambault, teacher and researcher at IÉSEG.
Read the full article in the latest edition of Change Magazine:
This magazine aims to be an information tool, thanks to the range of expertise of our professors and the informed opinions of our professional partners in relation to current themes. This tool aims to deliver ideas and reflections to its readers, in order to cultivate their daily lives and their perception of the challenges facing the companies of today and tomorrow.
Catherine Archambault is passionate about topics of strategic renewal, corporate transformations and new forms of organizing. She is the co-author of a book on the topic of strategic transformation and self-management in large organizations (Ellipses, 2021).