The future of work: what can we learn from the predictions of 500+ experts?



Temps de lecture

1 min


In a recent article published on the Harvard Business Review (HBR) website, Professors Nicky DRIES (KU Leuven and at BI Norwegian Business School) Joost LUYCKX (IESEG) and Philip ROGIERS (Esade) present the findings of their research on the future of work. The researchers analysed more than 400 media articles and the views of 570 experts (entrepreneurs, economists and journalist/writers) who were asked to rate the likelihood of different predictions relating to the future of work.

“Assuming that each of these groups of experts held a piece of the puzzle, we averaged out their predictions and mapped them onto one timeline to produce the following, rather haunting, “consensus” view of what the future of work might look like”, the authors note.

 Read their full article on the HBR website: What 570 Experts Predict the Future of Work Will Look Like (

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