Business-to-business selling in the post Covid-19 era
In this video, Deva Rangarajan and Bert Paesbrugghe, Professors at IÉSEG, give insights into their research on business-to-business selling post pandemic. They explain how firms have adapted to the changes that have occurred over the last years and how their findings can be used by sales managers.
The full research paper (Business-to-business selling in the post-COVID-19 era: Developing an adaptive sales force) in Business Horizons can be viewed here.
Bert Paesbrugghe is an expert and author of numerous publications on the collaboration between buying and selling companies. He has a Ph.D. in business economics from Vlerick business school and works with companies to set up and follow-up tactical projects with external partners.
Deva Rangarajan has a Ph.D. in Marketing and Sales and he has taught for business schools in Europe, the US, South Africa and India. He has trained executives of over 30 companies on topics related to business-to-business marketing and sales. His research has featured in leading journals such as the Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Service Research, California Management Review. Deva is also the Academic Director of a Master program at IÉSEG School of Management dedicated to International Business Negotiation.