Latest articles, videos and podcasts
Management & Society
Questionnaire: Help us shape the future of the Insights website and...
1 min
Management & Society
Petro-states and climate negotiations: what makes a good COP...
3 min
Marketing & Sales
Innovation: why do many companies underuse customer insights?
4 min
Marketing & Sales
Digital transformation: how sales managers can be champions of change
5 min
About IÉSEG Insights
IÉSEG Insights is the school’s online journal which brings insights, updates, and food for thought that aims to inform and inspire managers and changemakers from the IÉSEG community and further afield. Drawing on the research and expertise of our faculty, it is in line with our mission to create and share knowledge that nurtures innovative leaders and promotes creative solutions for and with responsible organizations.
It includes:
- Articles, interviews, videos and podcasts highlighting research and analysis from the IÉSEG professors
- A resource center – enabling users to easily search content and experts
- Access to a regular E-newsletter